“The Enchanted World of Winnie-the-Pooh” by Anna Bowles, 2008
“Welcome to the enchanted world of Winnie! Chock-full of moving parts and interactive features, this distinctive collection bursts at the seams with playful surprises. An exquisite full-color map of Christopher Robin’s Hundred Acre Wood with hide-and-seek flaps, parties and games from the stories, and profiles and behind-the-scenes tales of Milne and Shepard’s beloved characters are all included. This deluxe, padded treasury will delight collectors and fans of the wonderful world of Pooh. Three cheers for the famously silly old bear!”
Soft cover, very good condition with minimal wear.
“Welcome to the enchanted world of Winnie! Chock-full of moving parts and interactive features, this distinctive collection bursts at the seams with playful surprises. An exquisite full-color map of Christopher Robin’s Hundred Acre Wood with hide-and-seek flaps, parties and games from the stories, and profiles and behind-the-scenes tales of Milne and Shepard’s beloved characters are all included. This deluxe, padded treasury will delight collectors and fans of the wonderful world of Pooh. Three cheers for the famously silly old bear!”
Soft cover, very good condition with minimal wear.
“Welcome to the enchanted world of Winnie! Chock-full of moving parts and interactive features, this distinctive collection bursts at the seams with playful surprises. An exquisite full-color map of Christopher Robin’s Hundred Acre Wood with hide-and-seek flaps, parties and games from the stories, and profiles and behind-the-scenes tales of Milne and Shepard’s beloved characters are all included. This deluxe, padded treasury will delight collectors and fans of the wonderful world of Pooh. Three cheers for the famously silly old bear!”
Soft cover, very good condition with minimal wear.