Cozy Cottage Bookshop
All sales are final. If you have any issues with your order and/or your books, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
U.S. Customers only, please. If you are an international customer, but have a US mailing address, I am happy to ship it there.
Shipping is so easy! All orders have a $6 flat rate shipping automatically applied!
LOCAL PICKUP Option - Yes, there is! If you are in the Mesa, AZ vicinity, I am happy to arrange a meet-up so that you can save on shipping and receive your books sooner.
All AZ residents will automatically be charged 8.3% sales tax.
A Note to Parents…
As a parent myself, I understand the need to feel that the books we’re handing to our children line up with our family’s values. It is my intention as a bookseller to read through every book I offer here at the Cozy Cottage so that I can recommend them without hesitation to you all. However, there are books here that have been put on the shelves with the best of intentions that I have not read through yet. There are also books for sale (not in the children’s categories, except maybe the myth books) that contain adult situations. I try to be very careful that these are not overwhelming themes to the story, while also understanding that these are books based in reality and can make wonderful discussion topics with your children as you see fit.
I know that, as a parent, you are the best guide for your family and what they read. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at jamie@cozycottagebookshop.com or cozycottagebookshop@gmail.com with any questions or concerns you may have about particular books.
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- New Arrivals
- Illustrated Junior Library
- Books of Faith
- Norman Rockwell
- Gift Card
- Agatha Christie
- Brand New!
- Tote Bags
- Ambleside Online
- America
- Animals
- Art
- Beatrix Potter
- Biographies
- Charlotte Mason/Living Books
- Children's Books
- Christmas
- Classic Literature
- Classical Conversations
- Cookbooks
- Faith
- Family Read Alouds
- Favorite Illustrators
- Fiction
- Five In a Row
- History
- Holiday
- Home Sweet Home
- Homeschool
- Jane Austen
- J.R.R. Tolkien
- Music
- My Father's World
- Mysteries
- Myths and Legends
- Nature
- Non-Fiction
- Poetry
- Science
- Sets
- Sonlight
- Well Educated Mind Book List
- Vintage